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Ali, M.D. Neurosurgeon Rochester, MN 擅长领域: Deep brain stimulation, Computer assisted brain surgery, Ablation, Radiofrequency ablation, Spinal cord stimulator inse...rtion, Dorsal root ganglion stimulator implantation, Intrathecal baclofen pump implantation, Vagus nerve stimulation, Responsive neurostimulation therapy, Intrathecal pump implantation, Dorsal root entry zone lesioning, Occipital nerve stimulation, Microvascular decompression surgery, Stroke, Chronic pain, Movement disorder, Neuropathic pain syndrome, Neuralgia, Cancer-related pain, Epilepsy, Trigeminal neuralgia 显示更多擅长领域 针对 Rushna P. Ali, M.D. 来自妙佑医疗国际员工 申请预约 关于 April 18, 2023 打印 显示参考文献 Winn HR, ed. Epilepsy Surgery: Outcomes and complications. In: Youmans and Winn Neurological Surgery. 8th ed. Elsevier; 2023. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Accessed Jan. 24, 2023. Cramer SW, et al. Clinical benefit of vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy: Assessment of randomized controlled trials and prospective non-randomized studies. 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March 2, 2023. 相关 心理疾病 抑郁症(重度抑郁障碍) 癫痫 癫痫发作 视频:迷走神经电刺激 迷走神经电刺激 额叶癫痫发作 颞叶癫痫发作 显示更多相关内容 Mayo Clinic 新闻 Mayo Clinic Minute: How vagus nerve stimulation can help some patients improve their recovery after stroke May 02, 2023, 04:30 p.m. CDT 产品与服务 书籍:《妙佑医疗国际家庭健康手册》 简报:妙佑医疗国际卫生来信 — 数字版 显示更多来自妙佑医疗国际的产品和服务 妙佑医疗国际明尼苏达州罗切斯特院区、妙佑医疗国际佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔院区和妙佑医疗国际亚利桑那州凤凰城/斯科茨代尔院区均在《美国新闻与世界报道》2024 - 2025 最佳神经内科和神经外科医院评选中名列前茅。 了解更多关于这一最高荣誉的信息 迷走神经电刺激关于医生与科室 PRC-20155104 患者护理和健康信息 医学检查与医疗程序 迷走神经电刺激