Dominican Republic Representative
Mayo Clinic has a regional representative to assist patients, their families, referring physicians, insurance brokers and companies in the Dominican Republic. Spanish-speaking staff can answer your questions and help you communicate with Mayo Clinic locations in the United States (Jacksonville, Florida; Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona; and Rochester, Minnesota).
- Help in scheduling appointments
- General orientation to Mayo Clinic
- Travel and lodging recommendations
- Follow-up on previous visits to Mayo Clinic (medical reports, billing, insurance) and coordination of future visits
This office does not provide medical care.
Please be aware that all patients and travel companions must have a valid passport and visa to enter the United States of America.
Please be aware that all patients and travel companions must have a valid passport and visa to enter the United States of America.
Contact Information
- Claudia M. Aquino Smester
- Mobile Phone: +1 (849) 358-2767
- [email protected]
SPIRIT Business Space
Calle Presidente Gonzalez esquina Avenida Tiradentes
Edificio La Isla, 3er Nivel, Suite 304, Ensanche Naco
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana 10119
Office Hours
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Atlantic Standard Time (AST), Monday through Friday
Oct. 03, 2024