Major complications minimal and resolve fully in living kidney donors, yet monitoring is essential May 25, 2022 A Mayo Clinic single-center, retrospective study of individuals who had hand-assisted laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy (HALLDN) during a two-decade span demonstrates that most major complications — 76% — transpire post-discharge. Yet, overall, only 2.5% experienced major complications, as defined by the Clavien-Dindo classification system, and 12.5% experienced complications overall. All patients who experienced major complications recovered completely. The May 1 issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings published the study's results in a paper entitled Complications After Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Living Donor Nephrectomy. Timucin Taner, M.D., Ph.D., chair of the Division of Transplant Surgery at Mayo Clinic's William J. von Liebig Center for Transplantation and Clinical Regeneration in Minnesota and study co-author, interprets the results of this study of 3,002 cases as an indication that laparoscopic living kidney donation is low risk. At the same time, since about three-quarters of major complications occurred post-hospital, he says that care providers must monitor donors carefully post-dismissal. For more informationRefer a patient to Mayo Clinic. Receive Mayo Clinic news in your inbox. Sign up Related ContentArticleDiscussing living-donor kidney transplant with your patientsArticleIndividuals with controlled hypertension can safely donate a kidneyArticleTop 5 reasons to refer a patient early for kidney transplant MAC-20532140 Medical Professionals Major complications minimal and resolve fully in living kidney donors, yet monitoring is essential