التجارب السريرية بالأسفل التجارب السريرية الحالية.81 دراسات في أمراض الدم (افتح الدراسات فقط). غربل قائمة الدراسات هذه بالموقع والحالة وغيرها. Exploring Mechanisms of Action and Resistance of Therapeutic Agents in Patients with B-cell Malignancies Jacksonville, Fla. This study is being performed to understand the causes of drug resistance and to improve the treatment options for patients diagnosed with B-cell cancers. We aim to identify the reasons why certain therapies work and others don’t and as result- develop new treatments for blood cancers. Long-Term Follow-up Protocol for Subjects Treated With Gene-Modified T Cells Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. This is a prospective study for the long-term follow-up (LTFU) of safety and efficacy for all pediatric and adult subjects exposed to Gene-modified (GM) T cell therapy participating in a previous Celgene sponsored or Celgene alliance partner sponsored study. Subjects who received at least one GM T cell infusion, will be asked to roll-over to this LTFU protocol upon either premature discontinuation from, or completion of the prior parent treatment protocol. A Study of the Health Issues of Bleeding Disorders Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to monitor and better understand the health issues of people with bleeding disorders. A Study About How Platelets Adhere to the Blood von Willebrand Factor in Healthy Adults Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to learn about how platelets adhere to the blood von Willebrand factor and how known clinical mutations that result in bleeding affect this process. Ascorbic Acid and Combination Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Relapsed or Refractory Lymphoma or CCUS Rochester, Minn., Mankato, Minn., La Crosse, Wis., Eau Claire, Wis. The purpose of this study is to examine how well ascorbic acid and combination chemotherapy work in treating patients with lymphoma that has come back or does not respond to therapy. Ascorbic acid may make cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy. Drugs used in chemotherapy, work in different ways to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Giving ascorbic acid and combination chemotherapy may work better at treating lymphoma. In the Clonal Cytopenia of Undetermined Significance (CCUS) Cohort D, we want to find out if ascorbic acid will improve blood counts so fewer transfusions are required and there is a less likely chance the patient will develop myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or other related myeloid malignancies. Evaluating Intestinal Microbiome and Immune Function in Lymphoma Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to examine the microbiome and immune function in patients with active lymphoma, and in patients with a history of lymphoma who are in clinical remission. A Registry Called Every Child for Collecting Data and Biology Specimens on Younger Patients with Cancer Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this registry called Every Child, is to collect data and biospecimens from multiple body sources for younger patients with cancer over time. Gathering health information over time from younger patients with cancer may help doctors find better methods of treatment and on-going care. Clinical and Molecular Characteristics of Histiocytic Disorders Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to assess the presence of various molecular markers in histiocytic disorders. In addition to this, to review clinical records of the patients with these disorders to assess the role of the molecular markers in patient outcomes. A Registry for the Collection of Biological and Clinical Data for Studies of Immune System Related Blood Disorders Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to develop and maintain a registry of clinical data and biological specimens from patients with immune system related blood disorders, for use in future studies of disease source, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. A Study of DNA/RNA Sequencing Results on the Clinical Management of Patients with Advanced Malignancies Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to assess practice patterns and changes in treatment recommendations based on the results obtained from a clinically available, comprehensive next generation DNA/RNA sequencing assay. A database of paired clinical and sequencing data will also be established for future research. التصفّح دراسات سريرية السابقالصفحة السابقة توجّه للصفحة 44 توجّه للصفحة 55 توجّه للصفحة 66 توجّه للصفحة 77 توجّه للصفحة 88 التاليالصفحة التالية طلب تحديد موعد الخبرة و مراتب التصنيفالأبحاث 05/12/2024 تبادلها عبر ارسلها على الفيس بوكارسلها في تغريدة أمراض الدمالقسمالرئيسيالأقساممُلخّصالاختبارات والإجراءاتالحالات التي تمَّ علاجهاالأطباءمجموعة متميزةالخبرة و مراتب التصنيفالتجارب السريريةالأبحاثتجارب Mayo Clinic وقصص المرضىالتكاليف والتأمينأخبار Mayo Clinicإحالةالمرضى الأبحاث: المرضى محور اهتمامنا إظهار النسخة النصية للفيديو الأبحاث: المرضى محور اهتمامنا [عزف موسيقي] جوزيف سيرفين، دكتور في الطب، أستاذ طب الأعصاب في مايو كلينك: تتمثّل مهمة مايو في رعاية المريض. فمصلحة المريض أولًا. ولذلك فإن مهمّتنا وأبحاثنا تهدف إلى إحراز التقدّم في طريقة الاعتناء بالمريض، وتقديم مصلحته على كل الجوانب الأخرى من الرعاية. وهذا من عدة أوجه أقرب إلى دورة متعاقبة المراحل. فالأمر يبدأ بفكرة بسيطة ثبت نجاحها في المختبر، ثم طُبِّقت على المريض في سريره، وإذا سار كل شيء على ما يرام -بمعنى أنها كانت مفيدة له- فإننا نعتمدها على أنها نهج قياسي. وهذا في رأيي واحد من السمات الفريدة التي تميّز نهج مايو كلينك في البحث -أعني التركيز على المريض- وهو يساعد بحق في تمييزه عمّا سواه. الأقسامطلب موعدمُلخّصالاختبارات والإجراءاتالحالات التي تمَّ علاجهاالأطباءمجموعة متميزةالخبرة و مراتب التصنيفالتجارب السريريةالأبحاثتجارب Mayo Clinic وقصص المرضىالتكاليف والتأمينأخبار Mayo Clinicإحالة المرضى ORG-20180185 الأقسام والمراكز الطبية أمراض الدم