البحث عن طبيب

Eugene D. Kwon, M.D.

  1. 1995
    Post Doctoral Fellowship - National Research Service AwardLaboratory of Kidney & Electrolyte Metabolism, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health
  2. 1992
    Chief Resident - UrologyUniversity of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
  3. 1991
    Resident - UrologyUniversity of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
  4. 1990
    Research Fellowship - Urology and Internal MedicineUniversity of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
  5. 1989
    Clinical Fellowship - Clinical Oncology FellowAmerican Cancer Society, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
  6. 1988
    Resident - General SurgeryUniversity of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
  7. 1986
    MDRush Medical College
  8. 1982
    BA - ChemistryGrinnell College

Awards and honors

  1. 1996
    AwardSociety for Basic Urologic Research
  2. 1994
    Pfizer ScholarAmerican Foundation for Urological Diseases
  3. 1992
    Teacher of the Year, ResidentUniversity of Iowa
  4. 1992
    Ruben H. Flocks Distinguished Teaching AwardAwarding Organization
  5. 1992
    Outstanding Performance Urology Inservice AwardAwarding Organization
  6. 1991
    Teacher of the Year, ResidentUniversity of Iowa
  7. 1990
    Traveling Fellow Research AwardNorth Central Section, American Urological Association
  8. 1990
    Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgeon's Research AwardAwarding Organization
  9. 1989
    Traveling Fellow Research AwardNorth Central Section, American Urological Association
  10. 1989
    Outstanding Research AwardNorth Central Section, American Urological Association
  11. 1988
    Teacher of the Year, Finalist, ResidentUniversity of Iowa
  12. 1987
    Teacher of the Year, Finalist, ResidentUniversity of Iowa
  13. 1980
    Undergraduate Research Award Grant Recipient (#80267272)National Science Foundation

Professional memberships

  1. 2012 - 2015
    Committee MemberSteering Committee for Genitourinary Cancer, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health
  2. 2009 - 2010
    MemberInstitutional Review Board - Orange Friday, Institutional Review Board, Mayo Clinic Committees
  3. 2007 - 2008
    MemberInstitutional Review Board - Blue Friday - Mayo Clinic, Institutional Review Board, Mayo Clinic Committees
  4. 2007 - present
    MemberGU Disease-Specific Working Group, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center Work Groups, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
  5. 2006 - present
    MemberOffice of Intellectual Property (formerly Mayo Medical Ventures)
  6. 2006 - present
    MemberUrology Clinical Prostate, Kidney and Bladder Cancer Registries
  7. 2004 - present
    MemberMayo Development Speaker
  8. 2003 - present
    MemberEducation Committee, Department of Urology
  9. 2003 - present
    ChairDOD Prostate Cancer Study Section: Clinical Experimental Therapeutics II, Department of Defense Study Sections
  10. 2003 - present
    MemberExperimental Therapeutics Subcommittee 2 (ET-2), Oncological Sciences Study Section
  11. 2002 - present
    MemberMayo Clinic Cancer Center
  12. 2002 - present
    MemberCancer Immunology & Immunotherapy Program, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center - Rochester, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
  13. 2002 - present
    MemberResearch Committee, Department of Urology
  14. 2002 - present
    MemberMayo Clinic Cancer Center - Rochester, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
  15. 2001 - 2002
    Ad Hoc Scientific ReviewerOncological Sciences Study Section
  16. 2001 - present
    Scientific ReviewerCaP CURE
  17. 2001 - present
    Scientific ReviewerProgram for Breast and Prostate Cancer, Specialized Programs of Research Excellence, National Cancer Institute
  18. 2001 - present
    MemberProgram for Breast and Prostate Cancer, Specialized Programs of Research Excellence, National Cancer Institute
  19. 2000 - 2003
    Co-ChairDOD Breast Cancer, Study Section: Clinical Experimental Therapeutics IV., Department of Defense Study Sections
  20. 2000 - 2003
    MemberDOD Breast Cancer, Study Section: Clinical Experimental Therapeutics IV., Department of Defense Study Sections
  21. 1999 - 2002
    Scientific ReviewerDOD Prostate Cancer Study Section: Clinical Experimental Therapeutics I & II, Department of Defense Study Sections
  22. 1999 - 2002
    MemberDOD Prostate Cancer Study Section: Clinical Experimental Therapeutics I & II, Department of Defense Study Sections
  23. 1982
    ChairMortar Board National Honor Society
  24. 1982
    MemberMortar Board National Honor Society
    Co-DirectorResearch Committee, Department of Urology
    Co-DirectorEducation Committee, Department of Urology
    Overall DirectorUrology Clinical Prostate, Kidney and Bladder Cancer Registries
